Well, I decided to tackle the scissors fob with its twisted cord and tassel for the 2nd piece to finish. I am pretty happy with the twisted cord, and the way the fob looks in general. But, I am unhappy with the way the tassel turned out. If you don't look too closely, it is fine, but could be better...maybe.
The washer repair turned out to be a lot bigger deal than it needed to be. First, Sears called to say that they weren't going to honor the appointment they made over a week ago, but maybe they could come sometime next month, then again, maybe not. We didn't find that (either the attitude or the actually timing) to be acceptable, so we decided to find someone else to do the repairs. We found someone local to do the job. When we called around noon, he told us he couldn't come until between 4 and 7 pm .. and was apologetic that he couldn't come any sooner. He showed up around 6:15, took the dryer off of the washer (it is in a closet), and took the washer apart. Pretty soon, he announced that it would the $450 and he was through. The pump had gone bad. He did a nice job, quickly and cleaned up his mess. My biggest problem was that $450 price tag. The washer only cost us $500 several years ago. But, compared to the $800-$900 that they want for a new washer these days, $450 was cheap. I keep wondering ... if inflation is so low, how come a new washer is almost double in price????????
I didn't make it to the Oatlands meeting on Wednesday .... I was supposed to be waiting for Sears. It sounds like I missed a nice set of antique linens ... <sniff>
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