Saturday, July 2, 2011

Well, I now have a name for what is bothering my foot. I have Charcot Foot. I really shouldn't have been surprised since I am diabetic, and have neuropathy, but I really was. It is a stress condition that can lead to all manor of broken bones in the feet. So, I get to be fitted for a really heavy-duty foot brace. I will get to wear it for a couple of months or so. Hopefully, after than, I will be good to go ... at least for a while.

Meanwhile, I get to continue staying off of my feet (well, just the one foot, but the other one isn't all that independent, so it goes up too). I keep on stitching, but have now got my right hand in a brace because I have done too much stitching and my carpal tunnel issues are acting up.

Some days, all I do is ache. But the good days far outnumber those, so, on the bad days, I'll look out for the next good one.

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